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Thursday, August 16, 2012

Avast Free Antivirus

Avast Pro Antivirus uses several layers of protection, keeping your PC and resources safe from several angles. With built-in protection from spyware, rootkits and Trojans, the software is equipped for all major security threats. The application includes protection from malware spread through email (by scanning both inbound and outbound messages), and it also has an integrated IM shield. Avast also includes specific protection for several popular P2P file-sharing applications.

Avast Pro Antivirus has an advanced heuristic scanning engine to proactively detect malware that tries to bypass traditional virus scanners. While the files may look harmless, if they show malware-like behavior, the heuristic scanning engine can stop them.

With a combination of features, tools and technologies, Avast Pro Antivirus is equipped to effectively protect your computer. The antivirus software is able to keep your personal files and information safe while keeping any intruders at bay. The security application is equipped to locate and remove existing threats, as well as detect, deter and defend against any new threats.


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