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Thursday, August 16, 2012

VLC Media Player

What started as a student project with the goal of developing a general purpose media player that could handle audio, video and streamed content has now brought us to the long-time open source favourite VLC media player formerly known as VideoLan Client!

VLC media player has a highly portable framework and works across different platforms. It is available for Windows, Macintosh, and many Linux flavours. The installer is a basic 20MB file and requires 80MB of free space for installation. The wizard lets you choose the language of installation, components and the folder to install and luckily is free of any toolbar installation. On first run we are asked if VLC could get information from the internet and to automatically check for any updates available. Now you’re ready to go!

VLC has been one of the favourites for many crazy video cognoscenti and is entirely self-contained so that it remains unruffled against any esoteric video formats to make sure that no additional codecs are required for playback.

It lets you create bookmarks and basic playlists to store your local media files, podcast subscriptions and Internet radio stations. The media player is powerful, light, fast and features fully customizable hotkeys that makes it very easy to use.


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